OBPL Field Trip to Pipili : 17th Mar’24

OBPL Field Trip to Pipili : 17th Mar’24

  • March 17, 2024

The first-year MPPG students of the School of Governance and Public Affairs (SGPA) embarked on a transformative field trip to Pipili as part of their Organizational Behavior and Public Leadership class. This immersive experience provided invaluable insights into the dynamics of leadership, teamwork, and community-driven initiatives. In Pipili, approximately 20 remarkable self-help group women, deeply involved in crafting handicrafts unique to Odisha’s rich heritage, became the focal point of the students’ learning journey. Their resilience in making a living through their craft was observed through hands-on interactions. Their group dynamics were studied through organizational activities like sociometry, unraveling layers of collaboration and leadership within their community. The results of these activities were shared with them, offering insights into their strengths and potential for collective growth. This immersive experience provided invaluable lessons in leadership, teamwork, and the power of community-driven initiatives. Learning by doing alongside these inspiring women constituted a new and enriching journey that left a lasting impression on the understanding of organizational behavior and public leadership by the students.