Webinar on “Environmental Ethics: Challenges, Dilemmas and Solutions

Webinar on “Environmental Ethics: Challenges, Dilemmas and Solutions

The School of Governance and Public Affairs (SGPA) is organizing a Webinar on “Environmental Ethics: Challenges, Dilemmas and Solutions”. The purpose of the Webinar is to create a platform for dialogue and debate on environmental ethics.

The webinar is going to be held on July 2, 2021 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.
1) The prevailed  silence  on environmental issues
2) The ethical  dilemma: Growth vs Environment
The keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Eeshan Chaturvedi, Founder-Director of Environmental – Public Policy Consultancy ‘EnviPol’ and a faculty member at the Jindal School for Environment and Sustainability.
Google form link to register